The Plant-Based Diet Cookbook

The Plant-Based Diet Cookbook Plant-Based Cookbook includes over 100 Mouth-Watering Recipes for everyone to enjoy!
The plant-based cookbook contains many recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts (nearly 100 when you include the bonuses!)
There are plenty of vegan options in the following categories that will titillate your taste buds, dinner-worthy.
You’ll also have a variety of “special categories” that will help you enjoy soups…tofu sandwiches and omelettes and more, all 100% following plant-based principles!




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The Plant-Based Diet Cookbook

The Plant-Based Diet Cookbook 2.0 The Plant-Based Cookbook includes over 100 mouth-watering recipes for everyone to enjoy!
The plant-based cookbook contains many recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts (nearly 100 when you include the bonus!)

There are plenty of vegan options in the following categories that will titillate your taste buds, dinner-worthy.
You’ll also have a variety of “special categories” that will help you enjoy soups…tofu sandwiches and omelettes and much more, all 100% following plant-based principles!
Fellow plant-based friends, let’s get serious here…

You’re here because you already know that a vegan diet is healthier than any other diet out there. Research shows that there has been a 600% increase in the number of people switching to a vegan diet.

With the growing number of vegetable enthusiasts on the rise, there has never been a better time to eliminate meat and dairy from your diet.

If you’ve spent any time on social media, you’d probably think that a good part of the world is vegan.

And why not? With over 90 million #vegan posts on Instagram alone, it’s easy to see why plant-based foods are one of the hottest trends in the food industry right now.


There’s no debate when you look at the latest evidence.
Eating a plant-based vegan diet without the consumption of meat or dairy is beneficial to our health and well-being.
Vegan foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are low in saturated fat. Even high-fat plant foods (like avocados, nuts, and seeds) don’t contain any cholesterol, so a vegan diet is cholesterol-free.
A vegan diet is also full of antioxidants and fiber that can improve your health, body and muscle recovery.
Eating a plant-based diet without meat, dairy or eggs can help lower cholesterol and improve heart health.
We’ve partnered with the most influential community of plant enthusiasts…
…To Bring You Over 100 Tasty High Protein Vegan Recipes
Of course, cookbooks from a renowned chef are good. But what if you had one from a respected chef (yours for real!) and hundreds of live, active, healthy plant-based experts?

Well, ask and you shall receive. The plant-based cookbook is packed with recipes that can be prepared and cooked in less than 30 minutes or less.
With The Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook you’ll get so much more. Recipes come in a beautiful full color cookbook that you can view right from your computer, tablet or phone from anywhere.

It’s the ultimate guide to making the Vegan Diet incredibly tasty, fun, and full of variety that not only makes you healthier, but also satisfies your taste buds and cravings.

It’s everything you could want in a guide on how to eat right the vegan way without compromising on taste or convenience.

Why People Fail to Stick to a Plant-Based Diet

The cookbook contains real food that you can easily find at your local supermarket, including a variety of tofu, tempeh soy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
With the right ingredients, you’ll be able to prepare tasty recipes with ease.
So even if you eat meat and want to try a vegan for 30 days, there are plenty of meatless recipes you’ll love!
Become “plant powered” in the kitchen… within the next 60 days or your money back!
Now, I’m not going to insult your intelligence by suggesting that you’re going to love every recipe in the book, or that it’s going to make you look like a supermodel or bodybuilder overnight.

But what we will say is that in all the years I’ve built and worked as a chef and with this community… together we’ve helped thousands to prepare food and thrive on this diet and way of life and we believe you will be no different.

So our guarantee to you is this: The Herbal Cookbook should make meal prep easier…more delicious…give you more dietary variety…and help you experience the many benefits to the health of a plant-based diet (from weight loss to improved mood) much faster… or your money back

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